Thomas Barlow


Hello, I'm currently a Full Stack Software Engineer at ODW Logistics. In my free time I like 3D printing, and working on software projects. Check out some of the projects I've worked on!

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Work Experience
Smart Flip Clock
Custom Shift Knob
Other 3D Prints
Skribblio Drawing Bot
Discord Wordkeeper Bot

View My GitHub Profile

Wordkeeper Bot

What is it? It is a game-style bot that is centric around the concept of… spamming. Every time you send a message, it must contain a reserved word that is set by other users in the server. If you send a message and it does not have the word, you get kicked. If you do send the word, your score goes up by 1. There are lots of commands for ways to remove people, create channels, and gamble all the score away if you chose to. It may seem like a solid waste of time; however it has been a great exploration of utilizing Javascript and Node.js in an environment that is exposed to a lot of people.

To keep up further in its continued development, see Wordkeeper Bot