Thomas Barlow


Hello, I'm currently a Full Stack Software Engineer at ODW Logistics. In my free time I like 3D printing, and working on software projects. Check out some of the projects I've worked on!

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Work Experience
Smart Flip Clock
Custom Shift Knob
Other 3D Prints
Skribblio Drawing Bot
Discord Wordkeeper Bot

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Custom Shift Knob

Challenge round: design a comfortable shift knob that can sit in the sun all day, be comfortable, look good, and not take forever to design. I got around all of those except for the last… This project was a real challenge when it came to fitting in with the rest of the manufactured parts in my car, with 3 separate parts that bolted together with a snug fit around the gear shift. It included slide-in nuts for effective machine screws, a cavity for a large ball bearing to give it some weight, a snug fit sleeve that wouldn’t let the knob twist off, and leather stitching to show me how hard it is to work with leather. Here’s a picture of it, exploded without the stitching.

And here it is after 10 months of being in my car.

2022 update: I still use it! Only thing it has needed since install has been cleaning it a few times.